Honey - Health Benefits
The health benefits from raw, active honey are both fundamental and numerous. Here is a non-exhaustive list:
- Antibacterial and antimicrobial
- High in antioxidants therefore promotes cellular heath and cancer prevention
- Boosts immune system reducing risk of illness
- Natural, alternative sweetener which can aid in weight loss and may benefit diabetics
- Improves digestive health as probiotics supports a healthy gut microbiome
- Heals surface wounds like ulcers, burns, cuts and skin grafts
- Soothes a sore, itchy throat
- Supresses coughs which can in turn promotes better sleep
- Improves skin health
- Low GI (particularly varieties with low glucose to fructose ratio like Jarrah)
- Energy booster
- Memory booster
- Alleviates seasonal allergies by reducing sensitivity over time.